
Third Party Events

  1. Thank you for your support of Young-Williams Animal Center's lifesaving programs! We are very grateful for your dedication to making a difference in our community and we couldn’t do it without you. In order to help you with the event planning process, we have created this Third Party Event Toolkit. Any individual or organization (outside of Young-Williams Animal Center) that hosts an event, promotion, sale or donation drive on behalf of Young-Williams Animal Center is defined as a “third party event”.

To be in compliance with YWAC’s Third Party Event Policy, the following must be observed:

For all approved fundraisers, YWAC can:
  • Provide you with our logo for your marketing materials
    Provide YWAC printed literature for distribution at your event
  • Provide written tax receipts to donors who make checks payable to YWAC
  • Attendance at the event to receive proceeds by a member of our volunteer team or staff, based on availability
  • YWAC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. You are authorized to share our public tax number when requested:
    EIN #45-5326778
  • YWAC is unable to provide the following:
  • Insurance or liability coverage
  • Liquor license
  • Funding or reimbursement for your expenses
  • Mailing list of potential donors or vendors
  • Publicity (i.e. newspaper, radio, television, social media etc.)
  • Unfortunately, we are unable to publicize your event because we have an internal calendar of events and adoption promotions that have already been set  in advance by our Marketing Department. In addition, our donors are already contacted with a number of YWAC emails and requests as is, therefore we cannot inundate them with the numerous requests we receive on a regular basis about other third party events, even though they are all so beneficial.
  • Please note that we do not participate in off-site adoption events.
  • We rely on you to plan and coordinate all details of the third party event.
  • Please review our event guidelines before you submit an event request.

Third Party Event Guidelines 


Ready to plan your event?

If you think your group or small business would be interested in hosting an event, or having a representative come and present to your group, please fill out the event request application. Please provide 30 days notice of events for approval.

Event Request Application